EV DC Fast Charging Infrastructure Across America

EV Charging from LA-NY

EV Centers of America is the managing partner of the EV Fast Charging USA, a coalition funded by a network of public and private partnerships with an objective to establish fast chargers across America, from Los Angles to New York City.

The project will be involved installation of DC fast charging stations along the Interstate Highway, about 60 miles a part of a 2,800 mile journey passing through numerous cities in 10 states in the USA: California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York.

The long journey will start in 2014 in multiple phases:

Phase 1 from Sacramento, the capital of California to San Diego (500 miles) connecting Northern California to Southern California.

Phase 2: from Los Angeles, California to Las Vegas, Nevada (250 miles)

and so on to reach New York, in the East Coast of the United States.

The Project is made feasible with funding from public and private partnership, managed by the Cleantech Institute, the parent company of EV Centers of America.

In addition, with the DC fast charging stations, that enable electric car drive to charge the car within 15 minutes, similarly to get the gas tank filled at the gas stations, except the electricity is much cheaper than gasoline.

EV Centers of America is the exclusive distributor of the EV Express, a DC 480 V fast charger, with an energy output of 67kW, enabling a typical electric car like the Nissan Leaf to be quickly charged over 15 minute to fill up to 80%of its maximum energy capability to travel for an additional 70 miles.

EV Express Dc fast charging stations



EV Centers of America serves as the general manager for the California EV Fast Charging Infrastructure to install DC fast chargers within 1 mile of proximity of the Interstate 5 from Sacramento to San Diego, one of the most travelled thoroughfare of more than 500 miles connecting Northern and Southern California.

EV fast charging Sacramento to San Diego


EV Centers of America manages the California-Nevada EV Fast Charging Infrastructure along the freeway corridor of I-10, I-15 from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, one of the most popular thoroughfare of more than 265 miles connecting California to Nevada, and to other states of the USA.

EV Charging stations from Los Angeles to Las Vegas

Coda Electric Car

Coda electric car

Coda Electric Car is the best of its class. Equipped with a 31 kWh lithium ion battery pack, it can drive up to 125 miles per single charge.

For more information, please visit our web site: http://www.codamotor.com